Benefits of the Web subscription

  • Complete archive of journals in series dating back to 1995
  • Online issues made available prior to the print version
  • Electronic indexing of entire series of journal
  • Search engine providing author, title and keyword searches of all journals in series


The online-version of the Personal Tax Planning series offers the same detailed, informed and practical discussion of the most effective strategies being used by today's top planners, and will continue to report on all major judicial, legislative and administrative developments in the area.


The Web service, unrivalled in its coverage of the key aspects of personal tax planning, is comprised of three journals (18 issues per annum):




Personal Tax Planning (Online Licensing Policy)

Online Licensing Policy: A subscriber is a single user at a single organization and site. An individual at a separate branch or office of the organization would be treated as a separate subscriber and would need to take out a separate subscription.

The subscriber to the Online service is issued a User ID and password at the beginning of the subscription, this user ID and password is for that individual user only.

If any other employees of the subscriber organization require a user ID and password, one will be provided at an additional user charge.

No subscriber shall disclose to another person their user ID and password, nor permit use of their ID and password by another person. Please contact Ms. Liz Canelho (1-800-363-0722, extension 229) to enquire about multiple user subscriptions.